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“my first thought was, does this guy really exist?!”

Filmmaker Sebastian Rogers learned about Jerry Elliott High Eagle and his amazing life through a facebook instant message!

Learn more about the story.

Basic plot line for High Eagle:

Jerry Elliott High Eagle is born in Oklahoma - the place where the remnant of his people were left at the end of the Trail of Tears.

He suffers prejudice and disrespect as he journeys towards his destiny - a vision God has given him - that he will help man land on the moon.

As the first rocket scientist of Native American heritage ever hired at NASA, he fulfills his destiny (even receiving a Presidential Medal of Freedom for helping save the Apollo 13 crew from disaster) before going on to reopen the eyes of White America to the existence of First Nation people - by writing the legislation for Native American Awareness Week, which we celebrate to this day.


“The Eagle that flies highest,  is  closest  to  God. my name means Close to God”

Jerry Elliott High Eagle - NASA ROCKET SCIENTIST

High Eagle is the story of a boy fighting to live out his destiny to advance human accomplishment while triumphing over ignorance. 

Add in rocket ships and rescues, a vision that unifies science and faith and a hero guided by the wisdom of an ancient culture - and we have a film that will leave the audience feeling inspired, entertained and educated.

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